Thambi Vettothi Sundaram Movie Review

Starring: Karan, Anjali, Saravanan
Direction: V.C. Vadivudayan
Music: Vidyasagar
Production: Senthilkumar

Thambi Vettothi Sundaram directed by VC Vadivudaiyan is a bio-pic on a notorious history sheeter who lived on Tamil Nadu-Kerala border in Kanyakumari district.

The film has gone out of its way to glorify the lead character and made him look like a sort of do-gooder, who was forced by circumstances to do bad things against the law. A sense of déjà vu, as films in the same genre are dime a dozen.

Poliyur is a village that lies on the border area between Tamil Nadu and Kerala in southern part of the state in Kanyakumari district. The main occupation of the people in this area seems to be brewing and smuggling of illicit liquor to neighbouring Kerala.

There are many cartels involved in it who are bitter enemies and also kill each other to gain supremacy in the flourishing trade.

Sundaram (Karan) is hard working guy with a brilliant academic career. He is looking for a government job but always loses out due to prevailing nepotism and corruption in selection of candidates.

His best friend is Sala (Saravanan), who is a middleman for various illegal deals. Sundaram falls in love with the beautiful college girl Lourd Mary (Anjali), daughter of a notorious smuggler and dealer of illicit liquor.

Due to circumstances, Sundaram is forced to enter liquor trade, which leads to further twists in the story. After agreeing for a church wedding with Mary, Sundaram’s plans go awry, leading to a bloody climax.

Vadivudayaiyan has made it very melodramatic and highly sentimental especially in the climax. His characterisation of lead actors is half baked. There are too many censor cuts and muting, which leaves the audiences confused. Karan has delivered a matured performance; Anjali does her aggressive girl act. It is Saravanan who steals the show in the films very few lighter moments. The music of Vidyasagar is one of the silver linings in the film.
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